Visions: There is No More War Now. Thank you, Love.
There is No More War Now. Thank you, Love. Oil on canvas by Judibeth Hunter
A Message from Love:
Light coming in, light pouring out
No more war inside yourselves
No more war among you
Like the locusts, whose time has come
Devouring what no longer serves
Hearts of gold fortified with breath from heaven
Spill love into our empty bellies
Love as a shield
Breath from the Light One
Rising like smoke from the heads of angels
Pilgrims of Light bring Love
Forward from every realm
To embrace and hold mankind
Your power comes through your hands, hearts, and mind's eye.
Meditation to Disarm:
I turn now, with the Angels at my back
My parents, grandparents, ancestors before me
Spanning the lineage and Time
To the original split
I lay down my swords, my weapons, my armor
I place it all before You
I return it, and know you will know what to do with it
I free my hands from the weight of these weapons
I no longer require or want
These are no longer mine
This pilgrimage is not a well worn path
But a new one, for the New World.
For more work by the artists, please visit Judibeth Hunter’s website.