Rite of Passage


Change is Hard, disorienting, and can be transformative and integrated into who we are becoming

If you are currently a client, you can access the Rite of Passage modules here.

Loss and change are normal and natural. Experiencing a loss may feel devastating and traumatic such as when a death or divorce occur. Change can also be exciting in its uncertainty like when we start a new business, graduate college, or begin a new relationship. Loss and change create conflicting feelings. Sometimes loss prompts our transformation. Other losses are so enormous and life altering that they prompt us to seek support in order to integrate these losses into our lives. Valuing our losses within the context of compassionate support allows us to safely step into an in-between place, the liminal territory, where these possibilities are revealed.

NewBloomz offers Rite of Passage work for individuals seeking healing, integration, or transformation after experiencing a difficult, intense, and/or painful loss. This work typically occurs over 10-12 weeks following a flexible curriculum.

The healing process for individuals moving through the disorienting process of grief after a loss requires a safe, compassionate container. In the overwhelm of loss, being held in a Womb of Support and compassion provides a structure for integrating the loss. NewBloomz Rite of Passage process provides guidance through the liminal territory of grief.

For more information, please contact Jennifer Sabatier at 512-992-8725 or jsabatier@newbloomz.com.

For clients who have already completed Rite of Passage work and desire to continue to seek transformative personal experiences, please see Cultivate a Liminal Mindset © .