Always Beginning
Beginning happens
long before we know it has begun
Before we have let go
In darkness,
before storm clouds arrive,
thunder rumbles,
and lightning sparks
Even as the rain falls,
it is just the beginning
Destruction and creation,
death and birth,
as a paradox
together in one moment
Before she came bumbling,
tumbling into the morning
Landing on her back
in sudden stillness
I believed she had come to die
I stayed with her
Turning her over, she began to move
Brand New
Born into Her Time
Oh! Cicada
Born to mate, lay eggs, and die
Letting go of who she has been
Leaving us her beautiful shell
Proof she was here
We are always beginning,
birthing a river inside, dying to ourselves
There is only Here
Now, I see death and birth
With one eye
But, I have not always.